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"Games are the most elevated form of investigation"

How can you increase the impact of your knowledge transfer and communication efforts? How can you obtain greater engagement from your target audience and how can you sustain the connection with them?

Maybe gamification is the answer for your challenges!

People remember:

Asset 5_4x.png

Cone of Experience - Edgar Dale

With gamification, we play on 'doing' to reach your target audience in a profound and valuable way!

80 %

People in training who report being more productive if their university, institute or work was more like a game


Companies working on innovation who want to gamify their business

Horse pawn

What is gamification?

Kleurrijke achtergrond

Our customers

With this, we helped our customers:


How do you develop a serious game?
How do you use gamification?
How do you use game-based learning?


Kleurrijke achtergrond


Thanks for your message!

Interested in a collaboration? Discussing an idea? Contact us below without obligation, we'll get in touch soon!


Wakaaro BV

Brouwerijstraat 26A

9880 Aalter


09 375 68 00

BTW BE 0799.937.026

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